are hard days. Sunday used to be my favorite day of the week because we could sleep in without feeling guilty, then get up, turn some Church music on, make a good breakfast, shower, go to Church, be spiritually uplifted, be ready for the rest of the week, come home, eat a good dinner, visit with family and friends, and then go to sleep. Well now with a baby who does have a mind of her own and likes and dislikes certain things, Sundays are not as peaceful. Morning routines aren't too different, minus the sleeping in. But Avery is a wonderful nap taker so we usually can get a nap in before church when she does if we need it. Now you might wonder how we can get all that done before church. Well our church is from 2-5. Not fun to say the least. Avery can get her good morning nap in but her good afternoon nap is out the window. Avery without her afternoon nap = a very sensitive, sleepy, irritated, uncomfortable, spitty baby. Like I said before, Avery is a wonderful nap taker, but only if she is in her bed. She does not easily fall asleep in our arms (Mike is better at it than me unless I can get her to breastfeed) or carseat. But her crib, give her five minutes with her passy and she is out like a light.
Well at about 1:30 Avery was ready to go down for her nap and she was quite mad at me when I didn't put her down. She was like "hello mom I am giving you all the sleepy signs, give me my crib and passy or else...". Well the "or else" happened.
So we get to church and Avery looks cute as always. She was wearing a little jean skirt that Alisha gave her, so I also wore a jean skirt that Alisha let me borrow (thanks Alisha!). I figured that we could take cute little family pictures when we got home. But tired Avery equals spitty Avery and by the time I made it home, the only place that I did not have spit up marks was probably my midback, but then again I can't really see there so I probably had it there too. So there are no pictures with my blog, just venting.
I decided to go try and feed her and get her to fall asleep, but by 2:30 she was not having it. She was too mad to eat. We woke up all the other babies in the mother's lounge. I finally decided to stop trying and I ended up laying her down on one of the chairs on her belly with her passy. Asleep in 2 minutes. So we spent the rest of Sacrament there. But she woke up in time for Sunday school so we went and she was pretty happy at first. She was smiling and playing with a little 6mos boy in the ward. But that ended pretty fast because he was tired too. So we went back to try and eat again to get her to go to sleep. Mad, mad baby. So I finally calmed her down with toys and we went to RS. She was good for about 10 minutes, enough to get through most of the opening and then she fell apart. Anytime another baby cried she cried. I couldn't console her with toys. So we ended back up in the mother's lounge. I tried to feed her once again. She cried and then finally latched on. But she cried enough to make another baby cry, so then Avery started crying again. Ugh. I finally decided to give up at 4:35. I went to priesthood and pulled Michael out and told him we had to leave (I would have gone by myself BUT today when we left it was warm and sunny and beautiful to say the least. I was in short sleeves and we walked up the hill to church. Well when we left it was hailing outside. The hill was slippy for sure and I was not going to take on that adventure by myself with a fussy baby in arms). We got home, put Avery in her crib, and she was out in a minute flat.
Needless to say, the 2 1/2 hours that I was at church I heard one talk, half a lesson, and good news in RS, but I can't really remember any of it. Hopefully next week will be a tad bit better. She has gotten worse these last two weeks so maybe its just a phase. Hopefully. We used to be able to get her to nap throughout church and even stay asleep after we got home. Maybe that Avery will come back... I'm not holding my breath.
I must say that after all this complaining I still think Avery is the cutest, sweetest, most fun little baby! She is good other than Sundays, but everyone has there exceptions. Oh and sorry for the no pictures. I know it is hard to read a post without some pictures. My charger broke for my mac so we can't turn it on and that is where most of the pictures are and we didn't take any today to put onto Mike's computer. But I promise some soon. Thanks for listening to my rants and raves!