a little late. I have been a terrible blogger! Hopefully when I get the cord to my computer fixed it will help the bad blogger problem. If anyone knows of a mac laptop charging cord just lying around, you know who to call!
Okay on to the baby. Avery is 11 months old and is as cute, fun , crazy, sweet, etc etc as ever. She is the best baby in the whole world, duh, she is half me and half Michael (how could you get any better?). She is crawling everywhere and can stand on her own if she doesn't realize it, but once she does you better watch out cause she gets mad! Grandma Great got her to stand on her own and Avery looked at me then looked at her and started wailing. She didn't even sit down (which she knows how to do), she just gave GmaG a super sad face and waited to be swooped up. Silly girl. She is getting better at walking too. Today I just held her right hand and she walked through the kitchen. I don't think it will be too much longer, but it will definitely be on Avery's time. Yesterday we were at Aunt Susan's and Brooklyn, who is 2, had a little car that you can sit on and push around. Well Ave was playing with it until B started scooting it away and Avery chased after her as best she could. B's legs work a little faster then A's crawl and A got frustrated and so maybe that will be some motivation down the road.
I have been trying to write down everyday what Avery laughed at that day. Well lately we have been putting her in the big tub mostly because she crawls out of the sink and once she almost fell off the counter! bad mom! In the tub she stands the entire time. Once in a while she will let out some gas and she thinks it makes a funny sound and she will look at me and start to giggle. It is hilarious (kinda too much info, but HEY that's us!). Point is she is getting more fun and just plain funnier each and everyday!
Avery got a new carseat for being 11 months and too heavy and too long for the baby carrier. Woohoo. She still has to face backwards but the day is not looking too far off when she gets to face forward like the rest of us!
So since it is November and everyone is doing super cute posts about being thankful, here is 11 things Avery is thankful for:
1. Mom. I am pretty sure she loves me the most.
2. Dad. She loves him a lot too. He is cool and plays with her... a lot!
3. Kiara. She loves all her aunties/uncles but Chia definitely takes the cake. Ave goes to her over me a lot of the time.
4. Her grandparents: Grandpa and Grandma Adams, Nuna and Papa, and Gmas and Gpas Great. They supply her with cute clothes, food, and think she is just too cute.
5. Her tedda bear and puppy. Tedda is her fave but puppy runs a close second, she gets so so excited when she sees either one.
6. Her blankies. Grandma Haynie sent Ave a white fuzzy one which is her favorite and she also has a green one from my friends that she loves. If I have a blankie I get cuddles!
7. Her crib. She sleeps better in her crib than anywhere else, she also will play in her crib endlessly when I need to get things done. I am especially grateful at night when she tries to head dive in to her crib and once she is there she doesn't make a peep.
8. Bathtime! Nothing beats some warm water to splash around in, silvery faucet and handle to play with, toys, and a huge space all to herself (well compared to the sink).
9. Food, especially tomatoes and goldfish. Life just doesn't get better.
10. Jammies that have little animals on them. Her favorite is a pink pair that has a polar bear on it. I can get her to come to me if I show her the animals and talk about how cute they are.
11. Friends/ Cousins. To name a few: Annie, Addie, Kena, Ella, Brooklyn, Ashley, Anj, Lauren, Lindsi, Jeris, Rob, oh you know who you are! I actually had a cute pic of Ave and Ella but I deleted it on accident and I think it will take too much work to try and post it again.
And just because I am on the subject here are a few more things Avery is grateful for: binky/passy, bathroom full of drawers to explore, pumpkins, outside, going bye bye, animals... especially real ones, swimming pools, books, spaghetti, trees that blow in the wind, and walks.
As I was writing this blog Avery just got the nerve to stand all by herself! I guess she had to prove me wrong. She was walking with the little roller thing and ran into the bench looked at me and let go! Hooray for Avery!