Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another Week

These past weeks and the week to come have been super busy for Mike and I. We are both schooling full time, working part time, and this past weekend and next weekend we are watching The 4 youngest Trapnells. It is midterm time again so we are taking tests and more tests. Fun fun.

The kids were great this past weekend and Mike and Grandma were lifesavers. I had to work Friday night so Mike took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese by himself (sweet Grandma stayed with Brook). And then I had to work again on Saturday and Mike had to take a test so Grandma came to the rescue and then Mike watched them until I got off. Grandma and I were talking about how great a dad Mike will be. He can handle all 4 kids and they love him. Brooklyn will go to him over me most of the time. I am such a lucky girl. He is seriously like one of the kids and just plays with them and keeps them busy.

Work is going great. I really like my job and it is getting easier every shift because I am learning more about what we have. The Gap is seriously great to work for. I love BabyGap and GapKids. I totally fit in there and my belly starts a lot of conversations with the customers. Some conversations are good some are bad. I usually get asked how far along I am or when my due date is. When I tell them this is the usual answers
"Oh my gosh, are you going to make that?"
"Did you say December????"
"OH wow. Good luck."
Then one day I had this lady who was at least 35 with at least one kid and her belly was like only a little bigger than half of mine. She asked when my due date was and I told her in Dec 9 and she was like "oh that's neat, my due date is Nov 9." I almost started crying. She seriously was so small and only had two weeks left. Sad day.

My body is definitely having a little harder of a time trying to get through shifts. I can totally tell when I only have an hour left because I start waddling and my feet start swelling. I then come home and complain to Mike and he is great and will rub my feet.

Michael still loves his job and I am so glad that he was able to get it. It will really help out with his applications for jobs in the future (and help out the bills now).

We have a dr's appointment on Thursday so I will let you know the updates. This little girl is so high that I know she is not coming anytime soon. The Braxton Hicks keep coming on strong and they are so dang annoying. I will be so glad when they stop and my basketball will not be attached to my body and in the way but cute and cuddly in the bassinet.

Well that is all for now!!


Lindsi said...

I'm grateful for Carly. Also, Mike will be a really great Dad. However, I would prefer you to stick around FOREVER so that I can be your friend that long but also so that you don't have to leave him to me. I just don't think I could handle that. :)

danakat said...

I wish you wouldn't feel bad about your "size" while you're preggers. You look absolutely adorable! And before you know it, you will have your sweet baby in your arms and you'll be able to see your feet again...and they won't be swollen.

Enjoy your time with your hubby!
And congratulations again on your 'soon to join the world' little girl.

Lacey Freeman said...

well you're not the only one who thought i was talking to myself. haha. alisha did too so don't feel so bad!

Lacey Freeman said...

and you are too funny. i wanted to work at the gap and mom and x said no because i would end up spending more money than i would make! which is probably true...but disappointing! anyway, you are so cute pregnant and you're probably gonna have a huge baby bc it has haynie in it...but don't feel bad. in fact, when you start to feel bad about yourself just picture me pregnant and it should make you feel 100% better! =) i know i was huge and not so cute...but you are cute.

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Just keep in mind that the basketball is easier to take care of inside than out.

Love you.

Lacey Freeman said...

i have had so much fun making all the different meals. keep on me and i will get them typed up and emailed to you. i had a lot of fun making these. and seriously isn't it weird that this is our house now? have you seen pictures of it yet?

Lacey Freeman said...

oh and about that BOO mat...we still have the instructions, but it was tricky! we did it at super saturday and it was just like cross stiching on a giant surface. we had a time making those stupid things and i must say we are quite proud of them bc they were so complicating!

Lisha said...

My babies never dropped until I went into labor, if that makes you feel any better! I'll have to have you keep a look-out for me on the babygap clearance racks... I need some good winter clothes for my little one!