Sunday, August 31, 2008


I am sorry that I have been a terrible blogger for the past two weeks! We have moved from California and are on our way to Utah again. We have made a few pit stops in St. George, Spanish Fork, and we are now in Idaho Falls. We get to move into our new apartment on the 2nd so we are excited! We are so excited to see all the family and friends we have missed for so long!

Little Miss Avery is just a growing away. She has had a lot of fun visiting new people and seeing her cousins! She has had some new milestones since last time I blogged. She has rolled off the bed 3 (yes 3!) times. SAD! I woke up to her one morning standing up in her crib, staring at me with a cute little grin. She can sit up by herself- she will be on her tummy and push up to sitting position. Both being able to stand and sit have made the beginning of nap times a little interesting. Avery will also wave and moth of the time it is in response to someone waving at her. Today was a big day: Avery started taking crawling steps in a row for the first time! She has scooted her way around until now, but now that there is more space at Grandma's house I think she has a reason to crawl so she has! Yay! Here is a little clip of her first little crawls. Everytime I put the camera down she would crawl really well, but I finally caught a little on the camera. The video at the end goes weird, so sorry! But enjoy! She is a cutie!

I will post the last of our pictures from Cali and also pictures from the trip soon. Love all of you!


mattyanddeidre said...

wow, look at her go. You guys have sure been up to a lot. Are you moving back into Wymount? Cayman needs to hang out with Avery because he needs to learn to crawl. He doesn't even roll over yet. Man, I miss you guys. Give me a call sometime!!

Lacey Freeman said...

How cute! I love it! =)

Lisha said...

How fun!!! Kenadie is rocking up on her hands and knees, I can hardly stand it. I've been missing you, call when you have a chance, I know you've been busy.

Beth said...

What a smart little girl! She is so cute! Addie still scoots along on her bummy, haha! My little lazy girl! I need your new address when you get a minute, I was going to mail you Addie's 8 month picture.

Kari and Robert said...

Yay avery! you go girl! i guess she just didn't see california as a good place to start her crawling career...

Lizzy said...

Oh my goodness!! She is really going :)

So glad I found your blog!
