Sunday, August 10, 2008

Yummy Treat

Brownie Peanut Butter Cups

Just so you know, this is not a link. I can't figure out how to make it not be one. Oh well. I have made these a few times and they are pretty good. The next time I make them I think I am just going to use a brownie mix instead of the homemade brownie recipe in here. I feel like the mix is more moist and chewy. So I will let you know how it goes. But in the mean time make these and enjoy every last crumb!


chia said...

OH-MY-GOSH! these look A-MAZING! im going to the store tomorrow and buying the indgredients... YUMMY!

Lisha said...

My oh my. Too bad I started my hundreth diet since having Kenadie today!

mattyanddeidre said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm delicious! I will have to try those. By the way, lovin the wall paper!

Lacey Freeman said...

I totally made those a few weeks ago and was going to post about them but never got around to it. I remember you telling me about them and I went and found the recipe...THEY ARE DANG AMAZING! Everyone in the fam loved them...(imagine that one...) I think Sam consumed 5 in one day (again, imagine that one...) I agree with the brownie mix...I think they would be more moist because after a day or so they seemed to sort of dry out a little.