Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Best Half Year

It all started 6 months ago, December 4, 2007, when Avery made her way into the world. Our lives have changes drastically since then and I can't remember what it is like not to have her (except sometimes I do remember somewhat of being able to go out and stay out until I wanted without having another worry, but those days are so long gone my memory of them is beginning to fade). She has blessed our lives in every way possible. I don't think I have ever felt so much gratitude, humility, patience, love, and joy in my entire life. This was one of mine and Avery's first meetings. I remember looking at her and being awe stricken to think she was mine. I had a lot of thoughts that day: She is made up of half me and half Mike. I was never going to live a day without worrying about her. Where did those cheeks come from? Am I ever going to sleep again? I never want this baby out of my sight. Oh man I am so glad I can kiss those cheeks whenever I want. I am sure glad my Mom is here to go home with us because I have NO idea what I have gotten myself into. And so forth.
This was Avery at her two week appointment. It was the first doctor's appointment without my mom and they had to prick her heals. I was so scared and on the brink of crying, no wait, I cried. Look how beautiful she is. And SO little.
This is Avery at 1 month. She used to cuddle with Mike and I like this all the time. Now that she can put her head up and roll over we can't cuddle with her like this anymore. It kind of makes me sad. She is just getting so independent and wanting to be a part of the world around her that it is hard sometimes to just lay there and cuddle. That is why I loved the newborn stage. She just slept and cuddled. Can you believe how little she was?!
This is Avery at 2 months. She was starting to smile and this was one of the first smiles I got in a picture. Now she hands them out freely and I LOVE it. She has the cutest grin that could win anyone over.
This is Avery at 3 months. I thought her cheeks were big then! I remember taking those pictures and some with sunglasses. I thought she loved the sunglasses because when I put them on her they didn't seem to bother her, but now that she has working hands, those glasses don't stay on longer than 2 seconds. Darn.

For some reason I can't type under the next picture. THis is Avery at 4 months with her favorite auntie, Chia (sorry other aunties but Chia always came and played with her and cuddled with her and gave her toys, what's not to love). I love this picture. She looks like she is posing. I think around this time she started realizing what the camera was used for and if she wanted me to stop bothering her she had to smile... maybe?
This is Avery at 5 months. She was sitting, rolling, grabbing toys, and loving to play with anyone. She was a trooper through our move and started trying new foods. Her personality really started to shine through and it is still fun to see her quirks, likes, dislikes, and so forth. She has her ballerina toes going. I swear that girl is always pointing her toes.

And this is Avery at 6 months. Can you believe it? That little baby at the top of the page is now this big baby who can sit, babble, grab anything and everything within her reach (while leaning over... you would be surprised at the radius of space I have to watch out for), she can transfer objects from one hand to the next, play peek-a-boo, has two new teeth (if you click this picture bigger you can kind of see them, they are hard to get a picture of) and is starting to eat solids. Oh and her favorite thing to eat: her toes. Got to get that in a picture!
Avery and her new toy! It was very hard for her to look at the camera and not grab the toy but somehow it worked.
But not for long. She loves these toys, especially when she was in the bath. It was almost too much for her too handle!
This is me and my sweet sweet baby. She just melts my heart. She has started reaching for me when I go to grab her or when she is close to me. I LOVE it. There is no better feeling in the world than to know that she loves me as much (or close to) as I love her (besides my Michael, but that is tomorrow's post). She is just so much fun to be around and makes being a stay-at-home mom totally worth every second. Happy Half Birthday Missy Moo!


The Happy Haynie Family said...

Now you know the true feelings of a mother...I can't wait to have her run off to Florida!!....HeeHee (And let me tell you it will be here before you know it)

Stefanie H said...

She is absolutely the Cutest! Her smiles are SO contagious! I can't look at the pictures without smiling back at em haha. what a CUTIE!!!!

mattyanddeidre said...

I love this post!! Avery is such a cutie and is growing up so much. I might steal your idea when Cayman reaches his 6 month mark, I hope you don't mind. I miss you guys tonz, but guess what? We'll be here when you get back! YEAH!!

Beth said...

I loved this post too! I should have done each month pictures... shoot! I love her 6 month pictures, she is a little doll and her outfit is too cute also!

4 Kids, 1 Me said...

What fun!!! Little Miss Avery is soooo stinkin cute!!! How can you stand it? ;) And, p.s., Miss Carly, you look awfully darn cute yourself in that last picture! =)

Lacey Freeman said...

Aren't those feelings the best? She is such a little cutie patootie. (I know I have said that about 1000 times on all your posts about her...but it's true!) CAn't wait...2 more WEEKS! =)