Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pierson's Blessing

Aww! I bet he looks just like his daddy did 26 years ago (but maybe a little chubbier)...

WOW this happened over a month ago! I am so behind. FOr some reason I just never feel like blogging. Probably because I am SO behind. I have so many great things to blog about too. I'll be better.... hopefully.
Except I tried to upload more pictures of Pierson's blessing day and it won't work! I am about to throw the computer across the room and I don't think I should write anymore because I am definitely not thinking nice things. Dumb computers... I guess in this case it's dumb internet. Ugh.
I know I haven't posted in a while BUT look forward to:
  • more pics of Pierson's blessing... he wore Michael's outfit and was just too cute in it!
  • a warm sunny January day at the beach with Mom Adams
  • Avery and her BFF
  • SUnday pictures for the whole month of Feb plus more
  • Pierson giggling
  • Swimming in February (jealous anyone?)
  • and many more exciting pictures and stories about our family... I am SO behind!
Super exciting, right?! Have faith in me people, I will start posting more. One day.


Lisha said...

Post, post, post!!!

Lisha said...

P.S. That pic of Pierson is adorable!!!

lynette brimhall said...

I look at your blog nearly every day and was soooooo happy to see you put something new on it. Keep up the good work. My last message shows you how good I am with pictures. Love, Grandma

Ashley Terry said...

OH MY HECK! Can you say Mike Jr.? He looks EXACTLY like Mike in this picture. John-Charles and I could not get over it. I can't wait to squeeze this little guy (and you for that matter) in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHH!!!!!!! I'm so excited.


The Happy Haynie Family said...

What a cute little chunky monkey! Just want to eat him up! You better get busy and post! I want MORE pictures! It's just too hard not seeing them!