Sunday, November 7, 2010

Today is Sunday, Nov 7

Man it is hard to believe that we are already in November of 2010. Didn't this year just start like yesterday?
It is hard to believe that Pierson is 13 months. Yikes.
At 13 months Pierson:
Is not shy. In church on Sundays he finds older men to fill in as his Grandpas. He brings them his toys, wiggles his way onto their laps, plays with their watches, and won't come to mom until he is done. Bribes don't work. I am just glad that we have such a great ward and that these men don't mind Pierson or entertaining him. In fact they are probably just entertained by him. He is a silly little boy.
Loves to give loves. In church last Sunday he was kissing on two different girls. He even kissed them so much he knocked them down. He gives his mom and dad and sister lots of loves too. We don't mind all the slobber that comes with it either.
Has two new teeth coming in. The ones to the right and left of his middle bottoms. Thats eight teeth total now. (Avery was getting her one year molars at this point.)
Will walk short distances on his own. He has been taking steps on his own when we would make him but now he'll let go of whatever he's holding onto and walk towards whatever he wants. He has minor balance issues but it getting pretty good. I think we'll have a full fledged walker by the end of this week.
Is very determined. He will figure out how to open whatever it is that you don't want him to open. Or go where you don't want him to go.
Wrestles. He and Michael like to wrestle and then Pierson will try to wrestle Mom and Avery too.
Sleeps through the night. Again. Hallelujah. We moved Avery out of his room and he has done much better. He even sleeps in on some rare occasions.
Goes to sleep easily.
Is a picky eater. (Until he meets Grandma Great Brimhall)
Plays with his friends and gets excited when he sees them.
Doesn't like shoes or socks. Sometimes they'll stay on for extended periods but he usually will pull them off within minutes of being on. Though he does try and put shoes on himself a lot.
Points to things and yells "daaa" and then will grunt and make noises as if he is having a conversation with you.
Tries to do big things. Like dress himself, put a diaper on himself, feed himself with silverware, put the laundry in the basket, brush his hair, and other cute things.
Makes a lot of people smile every day.


We had a really great Halloween this year. It was super low-key... the way I like it :)
We started the day by going to church And then we ate a big dinner with some of our neighbors and then went to a little Halloween get together at another neighbors house and ate lots of goodies. In between all that we ate candy, so our bellies got nice and big and full.

We scared our trick-or-treaters...

But we mostly just hung out together and had a good time.
And then we went to bed. It was a great day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shout Out

to my main man.
Hey you! Yes you handsome man in the RailPros shirt with brown pants on. Sitting in your office hard at work (well kind of... you are looking at this blog) Thanks for cleanin the kitchen after dinner (even mopping!) and vacuuming the living room.
Those chores were on my to do list all day but I never got to them and it made me feel like this: But then you came home and thanked me for dinner and told me how good it was and then cleaned the kitchen, mopped the floor, picked up the living room and vacuumed it. Husbands seriously don't get better than you. This is how you make me feel:
I wish I were there with you right now to give you this fishy-lipped kiss. I love you so very much I can't even tell you. You make me happy in every way. Just thinking about you puts a smile on my face.

Thanks again babe. I love you.

pictures courtesy of Avery

Junior Olympian

Here is Avery, our Junior Olympian, she is just so talented.
This is probably the third time she did the jump. The first time she made it she was nothing but pure excitement. She ran over to me and hugged me tight and just giggled...

When we watched the video after (3 times) Avery laughed at herself when she fell down. What a good sport. So maybe she won't be a junior olympian but maybe winner of America's funniest home videos.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

For FHE one night we decided to carve pumpkins.
(for some reason the pictures look fuzzy... boo) This was Pierson's first year to join in on the action and he LOVED it. You can tell by the pumpkin goo hanging out of his mouth in the picture above. Getting him to focus on me for a picture was impossible because he ws loving the pumpkin mess so much. I miraculously captured his eyes in the picture below in the quick second he looked at me.

Avery also enjoyed carving pumpkins... but in a slightly different way. P was all about the goo and pumpkin mess and A was all about the company. She didn't really do much of the pumpkin stuff, she just sat and watched and laughed with us. We were calling the pumpkin goo 'gooby' and she giggled and giggled each time it was said. It was a little past her bed time at this point and she was super slap happy. I'll have to see if saying gooby brings out her giggles at a normal hour.
Needless to say we had such a good time carving pumpkins.
Mike remains the master pumpkin carver of our house. He has skillz that killz mine everytime. But I do make the best pumpkin seeds (or I at least make them).
Here is the pumpkin I carved. It lasted one night and then the next morning the babies were all over it like white on rice. It is now in the dumpster.
Here are a few videos for your viewing pleasure. They sum up our pumpkin carving pretty well. My favorite part is when I ask Avery if we are going to have fun and she says no.