You are in a joy school group that you love. I always get reports back about how well-behaved you are. Always. You are such a good little girl!
Where do I even begin with this picture? I guess with Dora band-aids. You are a band-aid fanatic. You have one on in this picture because you decided to "jump" off the couch into a cooshy blanket, but it just so happens that it wasn't to cooshy and your head hit on the ground.
I wrote "jump" because you still can't really jump so you more fell off the couch... on purpose. I felt so bad and even though there wasn't even a mark on you from the fall I knew that a Dora band-aid would make you feel better. Sad to say, but even better than a kiss from your mom.
I wrote "jump" because you still can't really jump so you more fell off the couch... on purpose. I felt so bad and even though there wasn't even a mark on you from the fall I knew that a Dora band-aid would make you feel better. Sad to say, but even better than a kiss from your mom.
You have such a fun group of friends that you play with daily. They are practically your siblings. You love them so very much and you and S (in the pink) tell each other all the time. You get excited when they come home. If I let you stay outside all day with your friends you would. You and S have a tree that you call your house. You guys will seriously play there for hours. I love your neighborhood friends.
You are such a pretty and happy little girl. You definitely have meltdown moments but for the most part you are all smiles and a good listener. You share and try to be nice to new friends. You have beautiful blue eyes and pretty blonde hair that will not stay where it is put. You are starting to get little golden freckles on your nose, cheeks, and forehead. I love looking at them and finding the new ones. You have such beautiful skin!
You like to dress up. You love to wear dresses and call it "turning into a princess." As we are getting your dress ready you will talk about turning into a princess and say "not yet, not yet" until you are finally into your dress and then you will spin around. It is pretty darn cute.
You love to be babied. I could do everything for you and you wouldn't care one bit. (Though once in a while you do get an independent streak and like doing things on your own... once in a while). Getting you to dress yourself is out of the question. Depending on the shoe, you will put it on by yourself. Lately you have been ending most words with an -y at the end. Milky, peachy, clothesy, shoesy, walky, I don't know why I can't think of anymore words, but you really do it a lot. (With baby girl P above)
You LOVE Pierson. You are his second mommy. You make sure that he doesn't put gross things in his mouth like shoes, rocks, leaves, toilet paper, etc. You tell him where to go. You tell him what to do. You can make him laugh. You give him loves and kisses. You make sure that people are nice to him. And you are pretty good at watching him when I am in the shower... at least everything is still intact when I get out of the shower :)
You are my mini best friend. We do a lot of things together and I we usually havea great time doing it! In this picture we went to the sand castle competition in San Diego with L and A. You seriously hung out with us and took pictures with us like you were one of the girls.
You heart your cousins. After this summer and getting to spend all that time with your cousins, it is all you talk about. You love to point out your cousins in pictures in our home and our calender. You like to tell people that we are going to see your cousins. So when they come and see us (like the Bogrens did) you get so excited and spend all your time playing with them.
The other day we had a family babysit you and Pierson while we went to YM/YW. When we saw them at church on Sunday you told us and your friend Cody that they were your cousins. You were really excited about it so we didnt burst your bubble.
You think you are pretty tricky. You will ask me to watch your trick and it makes me giggle because a lot of times they aren't the trickiest :) In the picture above you climbed over the tree and then jumped (stepped) off. One day you'll have amazing coordination....
You are really into playing Mommy and Baby right now. If I call you by your name you tell me "I not Avery, I am mommy. You are Avery (or just sister... depending on the day)." I can't call Pierson by his name because it is "brother". Luckily Daddy is usually the dad. The other day in the car you told me "Mom, we are two moms."
This is the face you make when you ask me a question and follow it by "how about we do that, mom?" I probably hear that phrase at least 10 times a day. I'm going to miss it when you don't ask 'how about' anymore.
Avery, I think that you are the cutest, sweetest, funniest 2 year old out there. You are such a joy to have around. Even when you talk to me nonstop and want to "help" me all the time. I wouldn't trade it. Here is a few more random facts about you: You still take good 2-3 hour naps a day. You giggle a lot. You don't like putting your nose on the wall but you are getting better at it. You are still super careful. You like to cook us food in your kitchen. You will put your head in tehe water and get your hair wet in the bathtub all by yourself now. You say really funny things. You make us all smile a lot and we really really love you.