Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Catch Up!

Our little forever family of four... cute, huh?

My mom, Alisha and Kenadie, and Kiara came to visit us over a span of two weeks. We took one day and went to San Diego and saw all our old family sites and then the temple. It is always so beautiful!

Then Mom left the next day :( We miss her dearly!

Here is Avery and Pierson on his 2 week bday!

This is after Avery held him...

Here is our little 2 week old snoozing away.

We caught him sucking his thumb... hopefully this doesn't stick around, but it sure is cute!

My little love.

Alisha and Kena left (Lish I hope you have pics cause I don't and I want some) and so we took Kiara to the beach!

Chia and Ave. We had to take Chia to the airport the next day. We were sad to see all of our company go but it has been good getting back to a little more normal routine.

Here's the handsome little man! He has an unusually long arm... well at least in this picture :)

Here is Avery and Pierson after his first day to church. Nap time!

Here is me and the little stud after church.

Here is the big stud... oolala!

And here is us tonight: carving our pumpkins!

This is the face he makes when Avery comes close... jk.... he usually cries... jk again. He loves his sister who REALLY loves him.

Here is Pierson on his 3 week birthday, before I know it he is going to be 3 years...

It took a LOT of effort to get this picture, so I hope you enjoy seeing both of their faces with their carved pumpkins.

Well I have made it a few days without any help! I have lots of cute stories of these two together so hopefully I will be better about blogging but we'll see :) I'm still trying to get the hang of it all and my broken computer doesn't help the situation much (donations toward the Carly Computer fund are graciously accepted :)) But good news: we found our camera! So that should help the blogging situation some.Who would have thought that I could make it as a mother or 2. Crazy.


mattyanddeidre said...

Yay! You guys are so adorable! Avery looks so cute in her swimsuit and glasses! I can't believe you have 2 kids, that is crazy! What a cute adorable family! Luv you guys! Miss you!

Lisha said...

He already looks bigger! And, you are funny. You make me laugh! Love you!

danakat said...

He is a DOLL!
My favorite picture is him and Avery both crying. LOL Classic.

Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!

Unknown said...

You look so happy with your sweet family of four! I look up to you and know if you can handle it all then I can! Oh, I bumbed into your dad a couple of weeks ago in Wal-mart. He was with your sister. I am not sure he remembered me but we did talk a little bit. Glad everything is going well and hopefully I will get to see you at some point after my baby boy is born! Our two boys have to meet if they are going to be best friends! :)

Beth said...

Pierson is seriously making me baby hungry. Those pictures are adorable! Miss you, wish we could all get together!

Kari said...

i DO appreciate the pumpkin picture. thank you for that :)

sam and brittney said...

Loved all the pics!! I have almost the exact pic of James sucking his thumb! At first it was every now and then but now he has got that thumb in there A LOT! I don't want him to be a thumb sucker but it is nice in the middle of the night I can hear him sturring and then hear him start sucking his thumb and he goes right back to sleep! What a beautiful fam!! Miss you!

Jana said...

Ah!! They're ADORABLE! How different it must be to have a newborn and another kid! I can't even imagine right now :) You're amazing!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and it looks like his big sis adores him.

lynette brimhall said...

Neat!! I have looked every day for a new blog....Your pictures were great. Of course you can do 2 you're your mother's daughter and my granddaughter!! He is adorable do you say that for little studs?

kaitlan said...

haha Conner has that same sloppy kisser outfit as Pierson. New babies are so fun!