Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sundays January 2011

Since I posted practically nothing last year I am going to have a lot of retro-posts trying to make up for the year I slacked off. Here our the January Sundays that I found of 2011. I think its crazy how much Pierce and I changed in a year and how little Michael and Avery did.

The kids were just so cute... and my tummy (and face and thighs) was just so much smaller!

January 2012 Sundays

For over a year we have been taking weekly Sunday pictures. Up to this point, I have not been a great poster of these pictures so this year I am going to make it a goal to post every Sunday picture. Here is the first month.

January 1, 2012
January 8, 2012
(and the fat pregnant face begins... 22 weeks)

January 15, 2012

January 22, 2012

January 29,2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Year

We have had a great new year so far. We haven't done anything too exciting but we did have my birthday yesterday and it was wonderful. Lindsi came in town on Friday night, we went to Simply FOndue on Saturday with Russ, Katie, Kari, and Rob (sans kids). Yesterday Michael had the day off of work and he kept the kids so I could go out to lunch with Lindsi and Katie. Then we dropped Lindsi off at the airport and later went to Lucille's BBQ for dinner with Rob and Kari. It was delicious... here is the only picture we (Kari) took on my birthday. THANKS everybody it was a great 27th birthday!