Sunday, May 2, 2010

April Brought...

Tent-making, Avery's new favorite past time.Family Bonding :)
Sunday smiles
Brother and sister playtime
Pant-rolling and independence... She, for some reason, has to roll every pair of pants I put on her. And notice how her shoes are on the wrong feet, she put them on herself! That is a big step for a girl who likes everything done for her. But I am hearing quite often now, "I do it mysewf"
Bravery... well at least to me. Who knew my daughter wouldn't get the heebie-jeebies holding a slimy worm!
Sunny Sundays

Sick Sundays- Pierson had a fever starting Thursday night and got progessively worse till Monday. He was such a sad baby!
Better feeling days- YAY!
Lazy mornings and hanging out in jammies
Chubby-cheeked smiles from a girl who now wears panties to bed and not diapers! She is 100% potty trained! Woohoo!
Pretty little girl ready to go to preschool
Cookie making and great ideas... Pierson in the sink works better than in the Bumbo- he could be by us, he didn't get uncomfortable, he couldn't reach everything, and he didn't take up counter space PERFECT!
The cutest messy silly face and pretty baby blues!


Kim said...

Such a cute little family! I miss you I wish we lived closer!

mattyanddeidre said...

Your babies are growing up so much! I love that little plaid dress of Avery's, so cute.

Beth said...

Aw we miss you guys so much! I can't wait to see you all! YAY Ave on the potty! I'm still a wuss and do pullups in public just in case, lol! Addie is doing great except for night pees sometimes. She still is drinking a ton of milk with supplements in it though right before bed to boost her weight. :/ I get to stop the supplements at the end of this month! Woot!!!

Erin Skidmore said...

Avery is getting so big! I can't wait to see you guys again! We just love you and your sweet little family!

Lauren Marsh said...

Pierson is almost as big as Ave! They are way toooooo darn cute! I can't wait to see you guys this summer:)

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Yeah for April! I am so proud of Avery and wearing big girl panties even to bed!!! She not a baby anymore! Pierson looks like Uncle Scott in these pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could get Annie on board. I have been trying to potty train her for two weeks now. She is great at holding it, but won't tell us when she needs to eventually she does go-on the floor. I can't wait to see you guys this summer!